Xochicalco Adventure Tours is an organization specialized in creating unforgettable adventure and archeology experiences in the surroundings of Mexico City.


The surroundings of Mexico City are home to a great cultural and natural wealth, since we can find lost pre-Hispanic cities such as Cuicuilco, Xochicalco, Teotihuacan, places full of nature, biodiversity and cultural wealth where hundreds of years ago inhabited a large number of cultures themselves that will amaze us with their incredible pyramids, lost cities, murals and knowledge, which were part of the roots of our beloved Mexico, which we will be able to know within the archaeological and adventure tours that we handle


The Archaeological Zone of Xochicalco is one of the most important pre-Hispanic cities that existed in Mexico, together with Teotihuacan it was a cosmopolitan city of various cultures, located within the late classic period, Xochicalco became the most important Pre-Hispanic City, a Once Teotihuacan disappeared due to the invasion of the Toltec culture, Xochicalco became the most important pre-Hispanic capital at the end of the classical period




Likewise, Mexico City and its surroundings are the heart of a large number of pre-Hispanic cities of the most outstanding cultures of Mesoamerica such as the Aztecs, Teotihuacan, Cuicuilco, etc., Xochicalco Adventure Tours, carries out tours and guided visits to various places where we can visit the cities, ruins and pre-Hispanic settlements of all these cultures, where in addition to spending an unforgettable day you will help to conserve the Biodiversity of the Region


If you want to know and learn more about the Archaeological Zone of Xochicalco and the Archaeological Zones near Mexico City, our archeology and adventure expeditions are your best option.









